

Broken hearts need time to heal,
We tell ourselves that we just have to deal,
Keep moving forward, no looking back,
Or we might see the the qualities that we were told we lack,
I'm no longer Broken, I'm no longer bruised,
I no longer feel like an object that was taken and used,
I found my forever, my ride or die,
I never have to question him or ever ask him why,
He loves me for me , and don't want me to be someone I'm not,
The past is behind me and looking back I'm not,
I'm no longer Broken like I thought I would always be,
My life has totally changed and I'm free to be ME.

  • Autores: melsanti
  • Visível: Todos os versos
  • Finalizado: 3 de outubro de 2023 14:30
  • Limite: 12 estrofes
  • Convidados: Público (qualquer usuário pode participar)
  • Categoria: Não classificado
  • Visualizações: 9

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