The broken Rainbow


I was a rainy day

with a dark sky

a rainbow was seen

but it fell apart

on the moon light

where the stars hide


In the next day

the floor is wet

people prefere to stay in bed

but in the street

there is a rainbow

ready to be seen,

nobody appears

and the rainbow disappears


The sad rainbow

doesn't want to show

himself anymore

'cause he was broken once

and he doesn't want it

to happen like before


Since that day

he wasn't seen again

people were wondering

what hapenned to him

and the rainbow

was underground tearing


people didn't understand

why he never 

show up again

because they didn't

have a clue of

the suffering he was in


The nature told him

to show

and nobody was there

to see him glow


Nobody notice him

even thought he was missing

why should he appear

when no one sees him

  • Autor: UmaVezPoeta (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 16 de março de 2023 18:27
  • Comentário do autor sobre o poema: Este poema reflete uma época complicada para mim mas espero que mesmo assim gostem.
  • Categoria: Triste
  • Visualizações: 6

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