One Sex Night

Estrela Azul

I wish that every mile between us turn into touch of hands

and the difference between the clouds

that in my sky and in your sky stand

became kisses in the sand

I want one sex night

to forget that you’re irreplaceable in a way

that I will never understand

I need just one day

without fight with life

claiming that you could be my man

I wonder how your flavor looks like

how is your love type

I wonder if you bite

all the things I would discover in one single sex night

I pass a lot of time wondering, I might say

however, I am here

and you are faraway

without the chance of one night

I am leaved with the wonder

and the write

  • Autor: Estrela Azul (Pseudónimo (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 13 de junho de 2020 23:42
  • Categoria: Não classificado
  • Visualizações: 16
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  • AnnaBell

    Muito bom, gostei muito. Rimas em inglês sem perder o sentido é difícil mas você fez muito bem.

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