Aviso de ausência de Paulo Nunes JC
"When I don't even know what I'm supposed to be or feel, you're always my answer and my line
When I remember that you're here with me, it brings me to relief and see that everything will be fine
I don't wanna be following U by sometimes, but every all my day, with your word I can live and to think
When I see U never forget me, I just run to U without even giving time to blink"
Nunes Paulo, 2021......
O Poeta das Madrugadas (Pseudónimo (
- Publicado: 22 de agosto de 2021 17:26
- Comentário do autor sobre o poema: Esse aí nem preciso falar muito, só a Ele eu dedico e ponto final....
- Categoria: Espiritual
- Visualizações: 13
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