I don\'t know what to do
I don\'t know where to run
I.. don\'t know
I know you love me and I feel something too..
But is it love? Kinda don\'t look like it
Could it be? Could I let myself be loved again?
For the same person?
For the same MAN?
I was the mistake after all..
I don\'t know HOW you could love me again after the things I did, I guess you just never stopped..
But I kindly recommend you to
Because I can\'t deal with all this emotions, there\'s a lot of them, and none of them feel like love..
Maybe some.. but it\'s so fucking confusing.
I do like you but not the way you do, it\'s like I\'m unable to love I can only like.
As if there was a barrier between us that I don\'t think I can pass through..
Why? I would like to know too