
Joyful wife


I am a joyful wife of the greatest man,


He TRULY loves me, and has a gentle hand,


He fought for me when no one else would,


He has the guts to stand up for HIS woman when no one else could,


After we decided to be more and our only friendship did end,


We became much more and He wasted no time introducing me to his family and friends,


What We have is real, I know it , not think,


Our love is true not faked or on the brink,


I Am A JOYFUL WIFE, and my husband tells me everyday,


How he is so thankful that my ex threw me away,


My husband is a great man, that knows what he has got,


What we have is everything, whether u believe it or not,


Sure we struggle and life\'s not easy to do,


But anything worth fighting for will never be easy for u,


We will go through our life together hand in hand,


Not letting anyone bring us down, not any man,


We moved someplace else to have a fresh start,


This joyful wife holds the key to her husband\'s heart,


He hold mine as well and we will never look back,


Back at those we left behind, that we found had seriously lacked,


What we found in each other is something we never had,


Real and true, love and laughter , Dedication and devotion,nothing heartbreaking or bad,


I\'m truly happy for once in my life and live without regrets,


Because everyone that God put in my path played an important part in the stage being set,


So thank you to everyone that has played an crucial part,


In leading me to be a joyful wife and opening my eyes and heart,