
This too shall pass

I know that things are difficult and feel like your life is in an uproar,


Friend,hang in there , once again you will soar,


Everything will get easier and you will get through,


But how you do it is completely up to you,


Whatever you are going through in your life, there is always a peaceful way out,


Though you want to cuss and scream and shout,


Your word doesn\'t have to be the last,


Hang in there friend, this too shall pass,


Confront things in a calm and loving way,


And things will get better day by day,


God never gives us more than we can handle ever,


You got this my friend,don\'t lose the faith ever,


You are a great person , I can just tell,


And always get right back up after you fell,


This too shall pass like all the other times before,


Remember that nobody us perfect and that\'s what forgiveness is for.