Vinicius Paiva

Like a Jerk

Walkin\' like a fool

Except I\'m not a fool

Sometimes I pretend I\'m fool

When comes my dad

Screamin\' like a dictator

Except he\'s not a dictator

I say \"ok\" and then go away


Sometimes dad is mean

But I love him anyway


Livin\' like a worthless

Except I\'m not a worthless

Sometimes I think like a worthless

And comes my mom

Thinkin\' she knows everything

Except she doens\'t know everything

I relief and then go away


Sometimes mom is mean

But I love her anyway


Talkin\' like a jerk

\'Cause I\'m kind a jerk

And I write like a jerk

But then comes my friends

Sayin\' I\'m the worst person

But I know I\'m not the worst person

Sometimes I cry, sometimes I go away


Sometimes friends are mean

But I love them anyway


Writin\' like a lonely man

Drinkin\' like a lonely man

Screamin\' like a lonely man

This time there\'s no except

I\'m lookin\' for someone

But everyone\'s gone

\'Cause I\'m a jerk, everyone\'s gone away


Sometimes I am alone

Excluded everyway